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Steel restores historic Leeds landmark

Work is underway to renovate and rebuild First White Cloth Hall, one of Leeds’ most historic buildings. The project includes constructing a new modern glazed …

Showing off the past

Accommodating many of Doncaster’s historical relics, a new steel-framed cultural hub has also been designed to surround and exhibit a retained Edwardian …

Construction work powers ahead at Battersea

Steelwork erection is nearing completion on the iconic Battersea Power Station, which will house over 100 shops, restaurants and cafes, a 2,000-person capacity …

Steel hits the right note

Manchester’s Hallé Orchestra is enlarging its St Peter’s rehearsal and recording facility with the construction of a steel-framed extension that will …

Inspired design

A number of challenges have been overcome to erect a steel-framed student accommodation scheme that shares a constrained site with a Grade-A listed church …

Commendation: Belfast Waterfront Conference & Exhibition Centre

The new steel-framed extension to the Belfast Waterfront provides an additional 7,000m² of floor space, which can facilitate up to 5,000 guests. Flexibility …

Pooling resources

Steel construction has come to the fore to create two large wedge-shaped halls, topped with wave-like roofs to house a waterpark and leisure space. Martin …

Steel delivering new Highlands distillery

Located 30 miles north of Inverness in the Averon Valley, the £15M Ardross Distillery is taking shape with the aid of steel construction. The scheme includes …

Retail conversion

Installing new steel-framed floorplates into a refurbished 1960s shopping centre is helping to create a contemporary retail and dining quarter. Surrey’s …


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