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Steel checks in at cantilevering hotel
A confined site, bounded by busy roads and the Manchester Tramlink, have all been contributing factors in the choice of a steel-framed solution being used for …
Steel supports over-station offices
Forming a bridge over underground railway assets, a series of large steel trusses are enabling the construction of a new City of London commercial development. …
Steel frames high-rise living
Residential schemes are currently plentiful in central Liverpool as local demand is high; one of the latest developments is One Park Lane, a 16-storey …
Steel maximises office floorplates
The use of structural steelwork has created the desired industrial-looking interior and long spans for the commercial element of the St Pancras Campus …
Steel adds to hybrid design
Creating a multi-disciplinary hub for innovation, discovery and research, the University of Oxford’s Life and Mind Building will merge psychology and biology …