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Green light for Trowbridge leisure centre

Wiltshire Council has given planning permission for a new £25M leisure centre in Trowbridge. The Council said it had a vision to improve the health and …

Steel passes the test for science block

Providing a quick delivery and minimal internal columns, structural steelwork was the chosen framing solution for the University of Hertfordshire’s largest …

Sustainable redevelopment

New steel-framed floors, incorporating reused steel sections, are helping a well-known Dublin city centre building to be reimagined into a 21st Century …

Steel maximises office floorplates

The use of structural steelwork has created the desired industrial-looking interior and long spans for the commercial element of the St Pancras Campus …

Station to station

A series of long-span steel trusses form the distinctive saw-tooth roof of Belfast Grand Central Station, while simultaneously creating the large open space …

Steel solution for city centre site

Structural steelwork’s flexibility has come to the fore on a city centre project in Dublin, where a new structure occupies over 98% of an existing plot and …

Steel scores for Toffees

Helping to form two stands and a continuous roof that requires a series of long trusses, structural steelwork is playing a leading role in the construction of …

Steel is just the ticket

A steel-framed solution, featuring exposed CHS columns, is ensuring a new bus station will arrive on time in

COMMENDATION: One Braham, London

Featuring large amounts of exposed internal steelwork, a prestigious bespoke commercial development forms part of a wider Aldgate masterplan. FACT …

Commercial reinvention

One of the first buildings to be built on the Canary Wharf financial estate in east London is being innovatively reconfigured and enlarged to be a Grade-A …


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