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Steel sets the stage
A lightweight framing solution, which could also efficiently provide long spans, meant structural steelwork was the ideal material for a new theatre in …
AD 431: Column web panel strengthening
The purpose of this Advisory Desk note is to draw attention to the contribution that full-depth stiffeners make to the shear resistance of column web panels. …
Award: London Bridge Station
London Bridge Station has undergone a stunning transformation that has delivered a better connection between London’s home counties and an increase in …
Commendation: Four Pancras Square, London
Featuring a weathering steel exoskeleton, Four Pancras Square is the last of six new commercial buildings within King’s Cross Development Zone B. Situated on …
Commendation: The Curve, Slough
A new multi-purpose community venue forms a central element of the larger heart of Slough regeneration project. The three-level Curve building is 89.7m long, …
Commendation: Central Square, Leeds
An emblem of the city’s ambition, Central Square in Leeds is a landmark development binding together a dynamic business district to create a vibrant new …