AD 341: Corrigenda for P362
In the pdf copy of publication P362 Concise Eurocodes that was included on the USB stick at the Eurocode launch event on 25th November 2009, there are three small errors. The errors are only in that pdf file; all other pdf versions, including that on Steelbiz, and the printed documents have had the errors corrected.
The errors are:
- In Table 6.4, on page 54, the C1 value for the uniformly distributed ‘intermediate transverse loading’ is shown as 1.17. The correct value is 1.13.
- In Table C1, page 93, the column for ‘imposed floor loads’ appears under the heading ‘unfavourable permanent actions’, when it should be under the heading ‘unfavourable variable actions’.
- Also in Table C1, the value of the ψ0 factors in the column for ‘wind actions or snow loads’ is shown as 0.7 and the product with the gQ factor as 1.05. The correct value of ψ0 is 0.5 and thus the value of the product is 0.75. The correction must be made in four cells in that column.
Contact: Abdul Malik
Tel: 01344 636525