Five new steel guides published for Eurocode conformity
Helping to ensure that designers have comprehensive support when using the Eurocodes, the BCSA, SCI and Tata Steel have made available five new design guides covering structural steelwork for buildings.
A Eurocode version of the ‘Green Book’ design guide for simple connections ‘Joints in Steel Construction – Simple Joints to Eurocode 3’, is now available.
The publication provides guidance for nominally pinned joints that primarily carry vertical shear designed in accordance with Eurocode 3 and it UK National Annex.
The new guide is cited in the UK National Annex and joints designed in accordance with the principles of this publication can be classed as nominally pinned without further calculation.
Major changes in the guide’s scope are threefold. Double angle cleats are now omitted from the Eurocode publication, as they are not commonly used in the UK. A new full depth end plate has been introduced, which offers a significantly increased tying resistance compared to a partial depth end plate. The tying resistance of partial depth end plate is calculated using Eurocode provisions and this revision results in an increase tying resistance compared to the BS 5950 version.
‘Structural Robustness of Steel Framed Buildings’ provides guidance in accordance with the Eurocodes and the UK building regulations. Within this publication, six examples demonstrate the application of robustness strategies to different classes of building.
‘Stability of Steel Beams and Columns’ explains the structural mechanics of buckling and provides immediate practical guidance for both common and non-standard restraint conditions.
Design of Steel Beams in Torsion’ explains the physics of the design of beams subject to bending with the addition of torsion and provides section properties needed for design.
‘Composite Design of Steel Framed Buildings’ is a comprehensive guide to Eurocode 4, covering slabs and beams during construction and in the final stage, including design for the serviceability limit state.
Copies of the guides can be purchased from the BCSA or SCI.