New steel guidance launched
A new feature called Steel Industry Guidance Notes (SIGNS) starts in this issue of NSC. SIGNS are short, two page inserts that will give practical advice on technical, commercial, legal, marketing and health and safety issues that will build in to a comprehensive set of notes on key aspects of steel construction. The audience for SIGNS includes clients, architects, M&E contractors, QS and engineers.
Each guidance note, which will also be carried on a number of web sites, will contain practical advice on the back page making the advice easy to locate, assimilate and apply. They will also contain either a contact point for further information or a list of up-to-date references where additional information can be found.
Each guidance note will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that only the most relevant and up-to-date information is available on the web site versions.
The first guidance note is issued with this edition of NSC, and explains the basics of acoustics and shows how steel framed buildings can meet the acoustic requirements for all building types. Future issues of New Steel Construction will include Steel Industry Guidance Notes on other topical issues such as:
- Tolerances
- Health and safety
- The economies of steel design
- Vibrations
- The most important items in a contract
SIGNS can be freely downloaded from the following web sites:
New Steel Construction –
Steelbiz –
Corus –