NSC Archives


Steel guidance completes two successful years

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The Steel Industry Guidance Notes (SIGNS), distributed with issues of NSC since January 2006, have now completed two successful years.

The short, two page inserts give practical advice on technical, commercial, legal, marketing, and health and safety issues which then build into a comprehensive set of notes on key aspects of steel construction.

So far there have been 21 SIGNS:
SN01 Good acoustic performance
SN02 Tolerances in structural steelwork
SN03 Money: the most important thing
SN04 Health and safety on site
SN05 Steel in fire
SN06 Achieving airtightness with metal cladding systems
SN07 Floor vibrations
SN08 Welding is a key fabrication process, yet little understood outside the workshop
SN09 Sustainable steel construction
SN10 Galvanizing structural steelwork – Guidance for engineers on how to reduce the risk of liquid metal assisted cracking
SN11 Factors influencing steelwork prices
SN12 Steel specification
SN13 Composite construction
SN14 The prevention of corrosion on structural steelwork
SN15 Design information for constructional steelwork projects
SN16 The case for steel
SN17 CE marking of steel products
SN18 National Structural Steelwork Specification
SN19 Intumescent coatings SN20 Modern standard forms of contract for modern, collaborative styles of procurement?
SN21 Stability of temporary bracing

All of the above are available for free download at the following websites: 

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