AD 349: Shear resistance of Parallel Flange Channels in the Eurocode Blue Book
An error has been found in the values of shear resistance of Parallel Flange Channels that are quoted in SCI publication P363 Steel building design: Design data (the Eurocode Blue Book). The design shear resistance values are given in the tables for Web Bearing and Buckling. The pages affected are C-128, C-129, D-128 and D-129. The values of the design resistance of the unstiffened web are correctly given in these tables.
Table 1 gives the correct shear resistances for Parallel Flange Channels in grade S275 and S355.
The resistance tables in Steelbiz have been corrected and now show the above values. A set of the four corrected pages is also available on Steelbiz – they will appear as an appendix of this AD Note. The electronic Blue Book will be updated shortly, as will be the version in IHS. Sticky labels are available from the SCI that fit the original tables in the publication. Those interested in obtaining these labels should contact the SCI on or by phoning the publications team on 01344 636505.
Contact: Edurne Nunez Moreno
Tel: 01344 636525