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AD 534: Anchorage length of horizontal stiffeners in steel and composite beams with large web openings
In SCI publication P355 Design of composite beams with large web openings, some typographical mistakes have been found in the equations for the anchorage …
Let the stress cover the strain
For some structures it is necessary to consider elastic behaviour, but for many a designer can adopt more simple plastic design. The latter is particularly …
AD 481: Composite beams with deep composite slabs
It has come to SCI’s attention that composite slabs with an overall depth/thickness in the range of 200 mm to 250 mm are becoming increasingly common, …
AD 447: Openings in composite slabs
It is now over ten years since the revised edition of P300 was published by SCI. This work, in collaboration with the Metal Cladding and Roofing …
AD 437: Curtailment of transverse bar reinforcement in composite beams with steel decking designed using Eurocodes
The purpose of this Advisory Desk Note is to provide guidance on the curtailment of transverse bar reinforcement in slabs on composite beams with steel …
Composite beam design at elevated temperature: comparisons between different temperature distributions in the concrete flange
Several resources give guidance on the temperature profile through composite slabs; BS 5950-8, EN 1994-1-2 and NCCI PN005C-GB. Ricardo Pimentel of the SCI …
AD 400: The degree of shear connection in composite beams and SCI P405
The stud resistances presented in both BS 5950-3.1 (as amended in 2010) and BS EN 1994-1-1 are lower than those given in the previous British Standard. This …