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Steel scores for Toffees
Helping to form two stands and a continuous roof that requires a series of long trusses, structural steelwork is playing a leading role in the construction of …
MERIT: LCT 7074 Canopy, The D-Day Story, Portsmouth
A slender steel canopy protects and highlights the sole surviving Landing Craft Tank (LCT) from the D-Day landings. FACT FILEArchitect: Pritchard …
Award: London Olympic Roof Conversion
The stadium built for the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games has been transformed with the addition of the world’s largest spanning tensile roof. …
SSDA 2016: National Finalists
Energy from Waste Facility, Peterborough FACT FILE Architect: BHP Design (UK) Ltd Structural engineer: MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Steelwork contractor: …
Essex gets retail therapy
A large steel-framed retail and leisure development is set to invigorate Chelmsford city centre. The Bond Street retail and leisure development will transform …
Other Finalists
St James’s Gateway, London The St James’s Gateway redevelopment is a central London mixed-use scheme including 5,300m² of office space, 2,600m² of retail …
Steel in the running for grandstand finish
A new multi-million pound five-storey grandstand is the centrepiece of Cheltenham Racecourse’s redevelopment plans. Martin Cooper reports. The four-day …