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Bolt slip in connections
The effect of bolt slip in truss connections is an issue that is raised with SCI from time to time in various contexts. Richard Henderson discusses some of the …
AD 426: Bolt head protrusion through nuts and threads in grip lengths
To ensure that bolt threads are fully engaged in the nut, BS EN 1090-2 clause 8.2.2 specifies that the protrusion must be at least one thread pitch. This is …
An introduction to preloaded bolting
NSC reports on bolted connections, and the regulations, standards and current practice for preloaded bolting. Bolted connections in structural steel can be …
Award: Knostrop Weir Foot and Cycle Bridge, Leeds
Knostrop Foot and Cycle Bridge serves to reconnect the Trans Pennine Trail, following the removal of a section of island between the River Aire and the Aire …
AD 413: Shear resistances of M12 bolts
Designers using paper or online versions of the Eurocode Blue Book may have noted that the shear resistance of an M12 bolt has different values quoted, …
An introduction to site connections
The fabrication and erection of steel structures involves the joining together of various steel members and the two principal methods used are welding and …
AD 412: Issues related to coatings and availability of structural fasteners
Recently, SCI has received some queries related to the coatings and availability of structural fasteners. This advisory desk note addresses some of these …
Fasteners and Bolts
Structural bolts are one of the key elements of a steel frame and their manufacturers and suppliers form an important part of the steel construction supply …
Award: The Memorial Spire, International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln
The International Bomber Command Centre is being created to provide a world-class facility to serve as a point for recognition, remembrance and reconciliation …
Market trades in steel
Two steel-framed structures are spearheading the multi-million pound redevelopment of London’s New Covent Garden Market. Martin Cooper reports. One of the …