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SCI supports long span market

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SCI has developed CellVibe 1.0 design software on behalf of Westok, providing design engineers with an easy to use product for evaluating the dynamic response of floor plates using long span products.

Based on the very latest technical research from SCI, the software uses the ‘simplified method’ for the evaluation of the dynamic response of regular grid floors, as featured in SCI’s 2007 publication P354 Design of Floors for Vibration: A New Approach.

Suitable for up to 6m x 6m bay rectilinear grid arrangements, CellVibe includes provision for metal deck, in situ concrete and PC unit slabs. In addition beam, slab and UDL data can be imported from Cellbeam or USFB software.

Kevan Wilson, Westok Commercial Manager, said: “Once again, SCI worked in partnership with us bringing its software and engineering expertise to the fore and designing a highly credible piece of software that supports the most cost efficient use of our products.”

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