Precast Concrete Decks for Composite Highway Bridges
The purpose of this Technical Report is to suggest ways to encourage the use of full-thickness, full-width, precast deck slabs in highway bridges, installed on top of steel girders and made to act compositely in carrying live loads and superimposed dead loads.
The publication introduces the reader to precast deck construction for single span and continuous multi-span bridges. The report considers and compares the different types of precast deck configurations that have already been built or proposed and includes recent research information that supports the use of this form of construction. A recommendation is made as to the most appropriate form of precast deck construction, based on the supporting technical information that is currently available. It is noted, however, that client authorities may need test evidence before accepting this form of construction for any particular project.
A number of key aspects have to be addressed in the design and construction of efficient, safe and economic full-thickness precast concrete decks for steel composite bridges:
- Sizing the precast deck units
- Seating and alignment of the precast units onto the steel girders
- Sealing of the concrete steel interface between deck and girder
- Forming a composite bridge deck
- Forming an effective joint between precast deck units
- Formation of the edge beams
Appendices include case studies and tests on full strength joints for precast concrete deck units.
E Yandzio and D C Iles
ISBN 1 85942 155 5, 86 pp,
A4 paperback,
Nov 2004