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New guidance on cost

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nCostNov13New guidance on how to cost steel frames has been published by Tata Steel and the British Constructional Steelwork Association, taking building professionals step by step through the stages of the cost planning process.

The guide – Steel Construction: Cost – is distributed with this issue of NSC and with a range of leading construction magazines, including Structural Engineer, Building, Construction News and Construction Manager. It is based on the quarterly Steel Insight series prepared by Gardiner & Theobald whose articles, as well as the new guidance document, can be downloaded free of charge from

Cost information used in the printed version of the new guidance is based on prices current in the fourth quarter of 2013. Regular updates on cost are made available at where the electronic version of the new guidance will always be kept up to date with the latest figures.

Gardiner & Theobald have so far produced nine articles in the Steel Insight series on topics including pricing structural steelwork, cost planning through the design stages, a comparative cost study on multi storey offices, education buildings, multi storey commercial buildings and healthcare buildings. All are available for download at

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