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Comprehensive steel cost guidance now available
The first of a new series of structural steelwork cost guidance articles from AECOM, the British Constructional Steelwork Association and Steel for Life has …
Building publishes latest Steel Insight
The latest in the Steel Insight series of supplements, sponsored by Steel for Life, has been published in Building Magazine and is also available for free at …
Steelwork to remain the most competitive material
Structural steelwork prices will increase steadily, in contrast to other construction materials which are seeing sharp jumps in price, making steelwork …
New guidance on cost
New guidance on how to cost steel frames has been published by Tata Steel and the British Constructional Steelwork Association, taking building professionals …
News in Brief: September/October 2013
Three steel construction webinars are to be held: 26 September on the subject of pricing; 17 October on fire protection and 14 November on cost comparison. For …
Steel shines under costs spotlight
Market demands can frequently change, placing a different emphasis on the various features of buildings and other structures such as long spans, curving and …