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Guidance for metal decking available

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An industry working party, led by Bovis Lend Lease and supported by the Health & Safety Executive, has produced new guidance to help those involved with the installation of shallow structural metal decking to reduce the risks associated with manual handling.

To help formulate the necessary information for the new guidance, the working party looked at several areas, including the design of buildings and decking, as well as the use of mechanical aids for the installation of decking. An industry wide fact finding survey was also carried out which obtained the views of decking operatives and these results were then analysed by the Health & Safety Laboratory.

It was concluded that there is currently no practical mechanical method for the laying of shallow metal decking. Risks can be reduced during manual laying by designers taking into account handling issues, making use of off-site cutting and general good on site manual handling practice.

The six guides for designers, contractors and decking workers can be downloaded from the BCSA website – – and the Metal Cladding & Roofing Manufacturers Association website – 

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