Free Fire and Steel Construction Webinar invitation
A free one hour webinar on Fire and Steel Construction is being hosted by the BCSA and Tata Steel on Thursday 12 March at 12.30pm.
Topics to be covered include an introduction to developments in state-of-the-art techniques of structural fire engineering. BCSA’s in-house fire expert John Dowling will explain new developments in this area which gives designers an alternative to restrictive prescriptive approaches, leading to more cost effective and efficient fire protection.
The webinar will highlight the benefits available from having a world class and competitive structural fire protection industry in the UK, using case studies of highly complex as well as more straightforward buildings and other structures.
The webinar will give designers an overview of what fire protection materials are available, their costs and the pros and cons associated with each. The case studies of fire engineering in buildings will include guidance on when and where fire protection should be applied.
The legislative background to why fire protection must be provided to buildings will be covered.
Details of how to enroll for the event can be found here