BCSA provides sourcing option for specifiers
Sustainability requirements are becoming increasingly common in construction specifications, and many companies in the BCSA’s membership have signed the Steel Construction Sustainability Charter and been audited to become Sus- tainability Charter Members. This al- lows clients with sustainable ambi- tions to select steelwork companies that share their ideals.
The BCSA scheme is founded on best practice and continuous im- provement so that companies can proceed from entry level member- ship through Silver to Gold status. Recognising that clients are seeking assurance about responsible sourc- ing, the BCSA has extended the scheme’s requirements with respect to supply chain engagement.
It is already a requirement that
Gold Members of the scheme must have environmental management systems that are certified in accord- ance with BS EN ISO 14001. From January 2009 all Gold Members of the scheme must ensure that at least 80% of their supplies of steel are manufactured by companies that also meet the BS EN ISO 14001 certification standard. This require- ment is met for all steel products
manufactured in the UK by Corus as all its facilities have been certified as meeting the standard.
Specifiers selecting SCM Gold Members will benefit from BCSA’s responsible sourcing initiative in the knowledge that these companies are ensuring that their supply chain partners are paying proper management attention to environmental issues.