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Industry support for student architectural award

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UK Students of architecture are now welcome to enter next year’s Tata Steel/BCSA Architectural Student Design Competition.

Organised by SCI and sponsored by Tata Steel and the BCSA the popular competition aims to give architectural students a creative vehicle for learning about the use of steel in buildings.

The challenge for the 2012 competition is to design a long span medium-sized airport terminal building. The brief is formulated to encourage the entrants to realise the full structural, economic and aesthetic advantages offered by the use of both open and tubular structural steelwork profiles.

Featuring spans in excess of 50m, the building should include both departure and arrival areas, with all relevant facilities including check-in desks, retail outlets, WCs and security zones.

The winners of the competition will receive prizes of up to a total of £2,500, this will be awarded at next year’s Structural Steel Design Awards, to be held in July.

To enter the competition a tutor should firstly obtain and complete a ‘Notice of Intent’ and return it by 20 January 2012. This will enable the SCI to provide supplementary information if necessary.

For more information, a ‘Notice of Intent’ and a full application form visit: 



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