Fire safe design: A new approach to multi-storey steel-framed buildings (Second Edition)
‘Fire performance of composite steel framed buildings is much better than is indicated by fire resistance tests on isolated elements’.
The first edition of this document was published by the SCI in 2000 and was the first to offer guidance on the design of composite steel framed buildings in fire based on lessons learned from the full-scale fire tests carried out at BRE, Cardington.
This second edition includes some improvements to the recommended design method that will allow some additional economies to be made. Also, in recognition that many fire safety engineers are now considering natural fires, a natural fire model is included alongside the use of the standard fire and fire resistance.
The publication presents recommendations based largely on observation and analysis of the BRE Cardington large scale building fire test programme carried out during 1995 and 1996. The recommendations are conservative and are limited to structures similar to that tested, i.e. non sway steel framed buildings with composite floors. The guidance gives designers access to whole building behaviour and allows them to determine which members can remain unprotected while maintaining levels of safety equivalent to traditional methods
Information is also included on work carried out in other countries, and observations of the behaviour of multi storey buildings in actual fires. The background information will assist the reader to understand the basis of the design recommendations
PRICES: Non-member 40 Member £20 (plus P&P)
Authors: G M Newman, J T Robinson and C G Bailey
ISBN 1 85942 169 5,
116 pp, A4 paperback, February 2006