Countdown to Eurocode Implementation
What’s stopping you?
Probably plenty of reasons, but for steel design at least, the key Eurocode documents are published and available.There is nothing to stop a Eurocode design if you wish. With such a vast array of documents covering Eurocode design, here are the key Parts that will be needed for the design of orthodox steel buildings. Every Eurocode Part has a National Annex – the National Annex for the country where the construction is to take place is required. In all cases it is vitally important to make sure that the NA is followed.
Basis of Design
BS EN 1990, with the NA
This is a key Standard, covering load combinations. Essential for design in any material, and the NA has crucial information about what partial and combination factors should be used.
BS EN 1991-1-1, with the NA
Imposed floor loads, roof loads etc are found in this Standard. The UK NA is important, as it contains reduction factors for floor area and numbers of storeys, and imposed loads on roofs.
BS EN 1991-1-3, with the NA
Snow loads are covered in this Part, so important for drifted snow cases
BS EN 1991-1-4, with the NA
Wind loads. Note that the coefficients for roofs should be taken from BS 6399-2.
BS EN 1993-1-1, with the NA
This Standard is the primary document for steel design. Frame stability, cross sectional resistance and member buckling checks are all to be found in this Part.
BS EN 1993-1-5, with the NA
This Part will be important for plate girder design, but also contains the web checks under local loads (when checking if stiffeners are needed, for example)
BS EN 1993-1-8, with the NA
This Part covers connection design – so includes the resistances of bolts, welds etc.
PD 6695-1-10
Not a Eurocode, nor a National Annex, but a “Published Document”. This PD is for use in the UK alongside BS EN 1993-1-10, and covers the selection of a suitable steel sub-grade. The PD presents a straightforward approach, and is recommended.
The above Parts might represent a “starter’s pack”. Other important parts include those covering accidental actions (BS EN 1991-1-7), fire (BS EN 1991-1-2 and BS EN 1993-1-2), composite design (BS EN 1994) and bridges (BS EN 1992).
Following the recent publication of the NAs to BS EN 1993-1-1 and 1993-1-8, printed guides and software can be finalised. Design guides and the new “Blue Book” will be available in the next few months. The Access Steel website already contains much useful information, though note that this has not yet been modified to include the influence of the UK National Annex.