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Call for industry Eurocode revisionists

UKEurocodes150212Industry experts are being sought to help with the Eurocodes revision which will result in a more user-friendly set of codes for the construction industry.

The Eurocodes are a set of harmonised technical rules developed for the structural design of construction works throughout Europe. Their use has grown since the existing national standards were withdrawn in 2010.

Last year a number of systematic reviews of the Eurocodes were undertaken and now it has been decided that a full-scale review, with industry help, will be launched with the end result being a revised set of codes by 2020.

“Users should find the revised Eurocodes better cover common practice, they contain fewer alternative methods, they are easier to navigate around, and there are fewer inconsistencies between them. Mistakes will hopefully be corrected, ambiguities clarified, and a number of other changes made to improve use,” said Steel Construction Institute (SCI) Chief Executive Graham Couchman.

In order for the revision to be thorough and as useful as possible, industry experts are being sought to join project teams for the various construction sectors.

The British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) and the SCI are involved with the revision of the Eurocodes relevant to the steel construction sector.

“We are encouraging the steel industry community to get involved and help us draft a revised set of Eurocodes that reflects current practice,” said BCSA Director of Engineering Dr David Moore.

The call for candidates will go out in March / April. An assessment of prospective candidates will take place in May and all project teams should be selected and finalised by mid June. Those interested in joining a project team should contact


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