Steel will progress despite recession
Jack Sanderson has taken over as BCSA President at one of the most challenging periods in the association’s history. He explains his forward looking and …
Machinery investment boosts quality
Advances in quality and productivity in the steel construction sector are to a large part due to developments in fabricating machinery. The last of our Supply …
The Irish connection
A Wednesday evening in February and the Dublin football crowd is already streaming towards Croke Park for the night’s glamourous match against Brazil. …
Steel’s loss will be the Structural’s gain
Since its inception in the mid 1980’s the Steel Construction Institute has been at the fore of the success of the constructional steelwork sector. SCI …
Structures expert is Canada bound
Charles King – well known in Britain and on the Continent for his intellectual prowess, deep understanding of steel structures and the wearing of outrageous …
Committee tailored for success
As Chairman of the BCSA’s Marketing and Member Services Committee for 14 years Geoffrey Taylor has had a ringside view of the growth of the association and …
The flat pack thoughts of Chairman Manning
Arup director Martin Manning is set to take over as chairman of the Steel Construction Institute next month. Here he talks to Ty Byrd about life, engineering …
Retirement leaves a hole in tubes
Eddie Hole of Corus Tubes who has been one of the best known faces on the tubular steelwork scene for many years has retired. He tells Nick Barrett how Tubes …