NSC Archives


Acoustic detailing for steel construction

Catalogue Reference: P372 Author: A G J Way and G H Couchman

This publication gives acoustic details for steel framed buildings with a range of floor and wall constructions. The guidance is based on acoustic test results and information published by manufacturers and suppliers of plasterboard, light steel framing, acoustic systems and associated products. It provides advice to architects, designers and other construction professionals on detailing to achieve the required acoustic performance. It explains and provides information on:

  • The general principles of sound insulation.
  • Regulatory requirements for modern residential buildings.
  • Generic acoustic solutions using steel construction technologies.

The acoustic solutions include constructions suitable for separating walls and floors between dwellings.

• Recommended junction details for separating floors supported on hot-rolled steel frames

• Integration of building elements into separating walls and floors.

• Expected acoustic performance for walls and floors (as airborne insulation values) and for floors only (as impact sound values).

It supersedes the previous main SCI publication, P336, Acoustic detailing for multi-storey residential buildings and updates and extends the guidance on several other publications on the subject.

Non-member £50. (plus P&P) Member £25 (plus P&P)
ISBN 978-1-85942-178-9; 90 pp, A4, paperback; February 2008

For SCI publications, please contact Publication Sales:
Tel: (Direct) 01344 636505 Fax: 01344 636570 Email: Website: The Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot SL5 7QN

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