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Technical Report: Design of Light Steel Sections to Eurocode 3 (ED005)

Light steel members are especially prone to local buckling, within this new report the design consequences of this behaviour are dealt with in depth, notably the calculation of effective cross section properties. Design guidance for members in compression and members in bending is also given.

Such sections are commonly used in a range of building types as secondary steelwork (e.g. purlins and cladding rails in industrial buildings) and as the primary load-bearing elements in light steel framing applications (e.g. in residential buildings).

The guidance includes:

  • A brief introduction to relevant Parts of the Eurocodes, notably BS EN 199313 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Cold formed members and sheeting, followed by detailed design guidance.
  • Eight worked examples are provided to illustrate the application of the design rules to practical building applications.

The technical document is freely available to SCI Corporate and Sole Trader Members from Steelbiz.
Non members can purchase a PDF copy for £40 + VAT.

Catalogue number:  ED005
Authors:  A G J Way, M D Heywood
Pagination:  86 pp
Pages:  Electronic Technical Report
Publication date:  2012

To order your copy now contact publication sales
SCI +44 (0) 1344 636505

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