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SSDA celebrates 50 years
Having started in 1969, the Structural Steel Design Awards are this year celebrating their 50th anniversary. In the second of a series of articles, NSC looks …
Design and manufacturing with computer software
In this article NSC examines how computer software supports the full steelwork design and manufacturing process, the benefits it delivers to the steel …
SSDA reaches 50
Having started in 1969, the Structural Steel Design Awards are this year celebrating their 50th anniversary. In the first of a series of articles, NSC looks …
From BIM to mixed reality technology
The construction industry is taking BIM to a new level with mixed reality technology, says Steve Jackson of Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd, who explains the …
An introduction to computer software for steel design and fabrication
Steelwork contractors are often held up as being in pole position in terms of the introduction of and increasing use of BIM. In this article, NSC looks at how …
It’s one small step into a BIM process
Just as the steel industry has developed massively over the last 20 years, so has Tekla software from Trimble. In fact, since 1966 Tekla has been providing …
Software for steel construction
NSC takes a look at the computer software sector which today forms an integral part of design and construction. The steel construction sector has been using 3D …
Steel projects come to the fore at Tekla Awards
Trimble has announced the winners of the UK Tekla Awards 2016, which will now be entered into the Tekla Global BIM Awards. The awards focus on projects of all …
News in Brief: July 2016
Software specialists Trimble and Autodesk have entered into an interoperability agreement aimed at saving customers time and reducing project costs typically …