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Steel-framed offices provide West End boost
A new commercial development, situated on the corner of Oxford Street and Wells Street, is one of many changes taking place along the capital’s most famous …
Mobility in the frame
Providing a car parking and a sustainable transport solution, the steel-framed Ancoats Mobility Hub also forms part of wider scheme to improve the local …
Patient design
Structural steelwork has provided the solution for a mental health inpatient unit that has wellbeing and a therapeutic environment at the heart of its design. …
Metal decking app launched by SMD
Structural Metal Decks (SMD) has developed a new mobile phone app for architects, designers and engineers. Called SMD Elements® Span Check, the …
SMD launches new decking and updated design software
Structural Metal Decks (SMD) has launched the new R51+ metal decking product along with an updated version of its Elements design software. The company said …
Latest metal floor deck launched into UK market
Structural Metal Decks (SMD) says that it has followed up on its 2016 launch of roof deck profiles with a new floor deck product for the UK market. The company …
UK supplier decks twin Dubai skyscrapers
Structural Metal Decks (SMD) has completed a major contract worth more than £1M, shipping more than 100,000m² of steel decking to the United Arab Emirates …
Complex frame accommodated by steel
A steel-framed solution was the answer for a retirement village containing numerous room configurations, spread over seven different floor levels. Martin …
Towering export success for decking supplier
Structural Metal Decks (SMD) is supplying 114,000m² of its TR80+ floor decking to the Tiara United Towers project in Dubai. Located on the main road into …
Metal floor and roof deck guidance published
SMD (Structural Metal Decks) has launched its new Technical Guidance Notes that are said to answer numerous frequently asked questions received from clients …