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Historic college graduates with steel
400-year old Foyle College is to vacate its current premises for a new shared steel-framed facility overlooking the Derry/Londonderry riverfront. Martin Cooper …
Steel bridges adorn Royal Mail stamps
The latest collection of first class stamps from the Royal Mail celebrates advances made in UK bridge engineering, acknowledges the role steelwork has played …
Science park provides economic boost
A flexible and cost-effective steel framed building forms the first phase of a large regeneration scheme at a former military base in Northern Ireland. A …
SSDA Award: Peace Bridge, Derry-Londonderry
Linking historically divided communities on either side of the River Foyle, the Peace Bridge was conceived as a landmark structure and a focal point for when …
Iconic bridge to unite city
The Peace Bridge, a self-anchored suspension bridge, spanning the River Foyle and uniting historically separate communities in the city of Derry/Londonderry, …
Bridge to bring peace to Irish city
Designs for a new £13M foot/cycle bridge across the River Foyle in Londonderry have been unveiled. To be known as the Peace Bridge, the structure is a curved …