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Minimum degree of shear connection in composite beams, according to Eurocode 4 and other guidance
In this article Graham Couchman of SCI and former chairman of CEN/TC250/SC4 (the Eurocode 4 committee), considers why we have rules for minimum degree of shear …
Let the stress cover the strain
For some structures it is necessary to consider elastic behaviour, but for many a designer can adopt more simple plastic design. The latter is particularly …
AD 435: Beams supporting precast planks: checks in the temporary condition
The purpose of this note is to remind designers of their responsibility for basing their design on a safe method of erection. This is particularly necessary if …
Composite beam checking tool upgraded
The Composite Beam Checking Tool on www.steelconstruction.info has been upgraded to include the latest guidance in SCI-P405 Minimum degree of shear connection …
Shear connection rules to Eurocode 4 published by SCI
Steel Construction Institute (SCI) has published ‘Minimum degree of shear connection rules for UK construction to Eurocode 4’, guidance that was produced …