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President’s Column – Global carbon emissions
In an article published in September of 2024, the CEO of Responsible Steel, Annie Heaton, reminded us that if steel production was the equivalent of a country, …
New CEO ready for new challenges
BCSA’s new Chief Executive Officer David Moore is no stranger to the steel construction sector and his background as Director of Engineering will stand him …
BCSA hosts Chinese steel sector delegation
The British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) has hosted a week-long visit to the UK by the China Construction Metal Structures Association (CCMSA), …
Wilkinson at steel’s cutting edge
One of the best known names in UK architecture, whose international repute is growing strongly with ambitious and high profile projects under way worldwide, is …
SCI leads engineering workshop in China
SCI has led the first workshop in China for civil and structural engineers on the specification and design of stainless steel as a load bearing material. Held …
Beijing tower for Siemens
Work has begun on a new Chinese HQ for electronics giant Siemens. The Siemans Centre Beijing is a 30-storey, 52,260m² steel tower designed to house 3,500 …
Building success in Shanghai
Janet Kealey reports. Over 10 years in China, Atlas Ward Structures Ltd has worked through changes in regulations, in the environment and competition. This was …