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AD 536: In-plane member buckling lengths for portal frames

The verification of members in portal frames leads to a common question about in-plane buckling lengths, especially when designers are using general software. …

Structural modelling for analysis: Section 7 in BS EN 1993-1-1:2022

The updated version of EN 1993-1-1, BS EN 1993-1-1:2022, has been finalized and is being considered by the team draughting the UK National Annex. Adoption of …

Steel design since 1932

Successive editions of BS 449 illustrate significant changes in steel design and practice over the last 90 years. For a recent project, the design rules since …

AD 475: Buckling of cruciform columns

In order to retain the accurate formatting of the equations in this technical paper, this article is available as a pdf download only. Click here to download …

Restraints around portal frames

In this second technical article on portal frames, David Brown of the Steel Construction Institute reviews the all-important correct positioning and …

Stability and second order effects on steel structures: Part 1: fundamental behaviour

Ricardo Pimentel of the SCI introduces the topics of buckling phenomenon, second order effects and the approximate methods to allow for those effects. In part …

AD 418: Web-post buckling in composite beams with rectangular and elongated web openings

The design of composite beams with large web openings is presented in SCI P355, which has been adopted in the development of software for the design of both …

The design of hybrid fabricated girders – part 2

In Part Two of the article, David Brown of the SCI discusses the lateral torsional buckling resistance and shear resistance of hybrid

Use of LTBeamN

Calculating Ncr and Mcr by hand for use in Eurocode design can be challenging for anything but the simple cases. LTBeamN, a free software tool, can readily …

Web Bearing and Buckling to BS EN 1993-1 + Buckling modes of angles and channels in compression

The development of the new Blue Book on member resistances highlighted some new methods. Edurne Nunez Moreno of the SCI explains the background to two of the …


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