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AD 512: Eurocode requirements for wind bracing connections
AD 509 reminded designers that according to BS 5950, preloaded assemblies are not required when reversal is solely due to wind loading. The AD recommended that …
AD 502: Design to BS 5950 and other standards
The Advisory Desk is regularly asked whether it is acceptable to carry out structural designs to standards other than the Eurocodes. This note draws attention …
Design of Angles
David Brown of the SCI offers advice on the use of angles in bending, in response to questions received by the advisory service. Angles subject to bending are …
The buckling resistance of laced columns
David Brown of the SCI uses the example of a laced column to demonstrate useful approaches to member
The development of design rules for restrained columns
Following on from the previous two articles, David Brown of the SCI looks back at the development of design rules for restrained columns. Looking at the work …
Restraints around portal frames
In this second technical article on portal frames, David Brown of the Steel Construction Institute reviews the all-important correct positioning and …
In-plane stability of portal frames
David Brown of the Steel Construction Institute offers a reminder of the guidance covering in-plane stability of this very common form of construction. Judging …
Steel construction sector remembers Colin Taylor
Colin Taylor who was instrumental in helping to develop the design standards for structural steelwork died on 5th February 2020 at the age of 84. He was born …
AD 438: Non-slip connections to BS 5950
This AD deals with the BS 5950 provisions for connections designed to be non-slip in service, as described in clause 6.4.1(b). Designers now using the …
The design of tee sections in bending
David Brown of the SCI looks at the lateral torsional buckling resistance of tee sections, considering the rules in BS 5950 and BS EN 1993-1-1 In order to …