Sustainability message loud and clear at London exhibition

Corus Chief Executive Philippe Varin (right) and General Manager, Corus Construction Services & Development Alan Todd under the steel recycling counter.
Recycling and sustainability were the central themes at last month’s Ecobuild/Futurebuild exhibition at London’s Earls Court.
One of the most visible messages was displayed by a large steel re- cycling counter on the Corus stand. It was turned on at the three day show’s start, continually displaying the amount of steel in tonnes that had been recycled globally as the show progressed. After 54 hours, the final figure on the counter was 3,057,534 tonnes.
The stand also showcased the many other benefits of steel in relation to sustainability and modern methods.
Adjacent to the Corus stand, the Steel Ideal stand included a full-size ManuBuild prototype steel-framed, pre-serviced module with demount- able and moveable walls.
The stand also displayed winning entries from two Living Steel Interna- tional Design competitions.
A seminar on steel and sustain- ability was introduced by Corus Construction Development Manager John Dowling.
The seminar included a case study of the large Pineham portal framed warehouse in Northampton- shire presented by Rodney Rice, Corus Product Development Manag- er and a summary of the ManuBuild initiative by Architect Steve Thomp- son of Corus Construction Services & Development.