NSC Archives


Steel Framed Car Parks

The multi-storey car park is a unique style of building, one in which all elements of the structure are normally exposed to the public.

This publication gives examples of good practical design that enable the structure to blend with all environments while making use of the inherent versatility, elegance and economy of a steel frame.

Fundamental design information is given to illustrate how steel, with its ability to accommodate long clear spans and minimise column sizes, can create aesthetically pleasing, economic, secure, user-friendly car parks.

The guide is intended to assist the designer with the preparation of budget schemes, without the need for complex calculations at the outset. Topics covered include attributes of good car park design, such as easy entry and egress to car, uncomplicated and logical traffic flow, and a light and airy feel.

The guide goes on to deal with circulation design, structural form, fire resistance, durability, aesthetics, and commercial viability. It includes sizing data sheets for structural elements and a number of case studies.

(Third edition)
36 pp,  A4 paperback,
Nov 2004


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