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Stairs installed for major City of London commercial scheme

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Peter Marshall Steel Stairs (a subsidiary of Billington Holdings) has worked collaboratively with main contractor, Multiplex, to design, fabricate, manufacture, and deliver two steel stairs, within the slipformed concrete cores at One Leadenhall.

Rising to 35-storeys, One Leadenhall is the latest steel-framed addition to the City of London’s cluster of high-rise commercial buildings. The structure will offer 40,000m2 of office accommodation, a free public terrace at fourth floor level as well as retail space alongside its ground floor double-height entrance lobby.

According to the Peter Marshall team, the intention from the outset was that the stairs would be erected on a section-by- section basis, from within the enclosed core. These works followed on behind the concrete slipforming as it was being constructed, with the formwork continually moving upwards on a weekly basis.

Any delays were mitigated by designing a safe and innovative temporary bridge solution, which allowed access to the erection areas and enabled works to continue safely.

In total, the two stairs had a combined weight of 218t, needed more than 20,000 cut pieces and required more than 30,000 bolts.

One Leadenhall is due to complete by the end of quarter one 2025.

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