NSC Archives


New Steel Construction returns to print format

Posted on by in News

nNSCisback1505After one year as a digital only publication, New Steel Construction (NSC) is reverting to a traditional paper format as from the Structural Steel Design Awards special issue in July/August.

Following numerous requests from subscribers and advertisers, we have decided to offer the magazine in its paper format once again for those in the UK and Ireland who prefer to read it that way.

NSC will be provided, free of charge, in paper as well as the existing digital and website formats ten times a year.

We will also be writing to all those who used to receive the paper version to explain the change and give instructions on how to make sure they receive paper copies in future.

To subscribe to the new paper format:

Existing digital NSC Subscribers should:
•    Visit
•    Login using the normal ‘Login / create account’ button in the top left corner
•    Go to the ‘Toolbox’ sidebar menu on the lower left hand side
•    Select ‘My Profile’
•    Tick the box to ‘Receive printed NSC magazine’, and enter your address details
•    Click ‘Save’

New NSC Subscribers should:
•    Visit
•    Click the ‘Login / create account’ button in the top left corner
•    Click the ‘Create an account’ blue link in the Login box
•    Enter the required details to create an account
•    Ensure that the box to ‘Receive printed NSC magazine’ is ticked
•    Click ‘Save’

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Click on the cover to view this month's issue as a digimag.
