NSC Archives


New Steel Construction Technical Digest now available online

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New Steel Construction’s (NSC) sixth Technical Digest, which brings together a year’s worth of technical guidance, is now available for download at:

Helping to keep engineers and architects up-to-date with the latest steel construction related guidance, NSC’s Digest compiles all the magazine’s Technical Articles and Advisory Desk Notes from 2021, which can be downloaded as a pdf or viewed online.

Advisory Desk Notes reflect recent developments in technical standards or new knowledge that designers need to be made aware of. Some of them arise because a question is being frequently asked of the steel sector’s technical advisers. They have always been recognised as essential reading for all involved in the design of constructional steelwork.

The longer Technical Articles cover more detailed insights into what designers need to know, often the result of legislative changes or changes to codes and standards.

Sometimes it is simply felt that it would be helpful if a lot of relatively minor changes, perhaps made over a period of time, were brought together in one place, so a technical update is needed.

Some of the topics covered in last year’s Technical Articles include U-frame design to Eurocodes; new fire resistance guidance; verification of beams subject to hogging bending moment; impact on car park structures; revisions to lateral torsional buckling; and composite construction.

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Click on the cover to view this month's issue as a digimag.
