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New regs highlighted at Metals seminar

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The recent Metals Forum health and safety seminar outlined a number of important industry topics including the new Control of Noise Regulations as well as the hierarchy to be followed under the Working at Height Regulations.

Chaired by Tony Woods, Director of Metals Packaging Manufacturers, the seminar  was held at the National Metalforming Centre in West Bromwich on 6th April 2006. More than 115 health and safety practitioners and production based personnel attended the meeting.

Presentations were made by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and industry specialists covering topics such as accident analysis in the metals industry.

Of the current HSE programmes, special attention was paid to the new Control of Noise Regulations, with practical demonstrations of how noise can effect workers hearing.

To support the noise regulations some techniques for managing and controlling noise in the workplace were presented by the Industrial Noise and Vibration Centre.

The BCSA also outlined the hierarchy to be followed under the new Working at Height Regulations.

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