NSC Archives


Design of Floors for Vibration: A New Approach

This publication provides guidance for vibration design of all steel-framed floor and building types.

Vibration measurements taken over the last 10 years on steel-framed floors have been used to develop new design methodology in this publication.  It extends the previous guidance to new forms of construction (such as Slimdek®) and special floors (such as dance floors, hospital floors, light steel floors etc.).  It includes:

  • The human perception of vibration and the criteria by which it is measured.
  • The concepts of floor response
  • Different types of excitation produced by occupant-induced vibrations
  • Simple design procedures which show how to calculate the floor acceleration, to weight it to reflect human perception, and to compare it with the acceptance levels in BS 6472 and ISO 10137 for building designs
  • NHS performance standard for hospitals, according to Health Technical Memorandum 2045
  • A set of worked examples, illustrating the design procedures

Please refer to the Technical Article, click here for further details.

Catalogue Reference:  P354
Authors:  A L Smith, S J Hicks and P J Devine
PRICES:  Non-member £80; Member £40 (plus P&P)
ISBN 978-1-85942-176-5,
128 pp,  A4, paperback,  June 2007

Note: The previous design guides by the SCI entitled ‘Design guide on the vibration of floors’ (popularly referred to as P076) and ‘Design guide on the vibration of floors in hospitals’, are now withdrawn 



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