Design of composite highway bridges curved in plan (P393)
Many highway bridges carry roads that are on a curved alignment and the supporting structure follows that curved alignment. This new design guide addresses the consequences of the plan curvature on the design of composite bridges and effectively offers a supplement to SCI design guides P356 and P357 for the design of composite bridges in accordance with the Eurocodes.
Catalogue number P393
ISBN Number 978-1-85942-204-5
Authors D C Iles
Pagination 80 pp
Format A4 Paperback
Publication date 2012
This new guide describes the two options of using a series of straight girder lengths (chords to a curve) and of using curved girders; it explains that curved girders is generally the favoured option and the fabrication of such girders is readily achievable in modern workshops.
The guide covers behaviour of curved elements, noting the torsional effects that arise, and the application of the Eurocodes to situations that are not always explicitly covered by its rules is considered. Consequences for construction are mentioned and the options for bridge articulation are presented.
An Appendix illustrates the application of design rules to a two-span bridge, similar to that in SCI publication P357 but curved in plan. The Appendix compares key differences between the effects for straight and curved configurations.
Full Price £50 (BCSA and SCI Member price £25.00)
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