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Countdown to Eurocode Implementation

In March 2010 the suite of European loading and design standards for construction, the Eurocodes, will come in to force. The Eurocodes cover the design of buildings, bridges, towers and masts and most construction works in all the major construction materials including steel, concrete, composite (steel and concrete), timber, masonry and aluminium. Each Eurocode will be accompanied by a National Annex which will set the values of the partial safety factors and other nationally determined parameters (NDPs) for use with the Eurocodes. For those wishing to use the Eurocodes the BCSA, Corus and SCI have produced a series of helpful design guides. These include:

Steel building design: Introduction to the Eurocodes

This is a high level document that introduces the Eurocode system and sets out the format used. It also explains the relationships between the Eurocodes, the National Annexes and Non-conflicting complementary Information (NCCI).

Steel building design: Concise Eurocode

This publication provides a concise compilation of the design recommendations for common building design in the UK based on the Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes.

Steel building design: Design data (Blue book)

This publication presents design data in tabular format to assist engineers who are designing buildings in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005, BS EN 1993-1-5: 2006 and BS EN 1993-1-8: 2005 and their respective National Annexes.

Steel building design: Worked Examples – Open sections

Includes worked examples for open sections and connections to the Eurocodes. These include restrained and un-restrained beams, columns in simple construction and simple connections (flexible end-plate).

Steel building design: Worked Examples – Hollow sections

Worked examples for hollow sections members including ties, beams, and columns in simple construction.

Steel building design: Worked examples for students

This publication presents a brief introduction to the Eurocode system and worked examples based on a multi-storey buildings. Members (beams and columns) are taken for a multi-storey building and designed to the Eurocodes.

Handbook of Structural Steelwork (Eurocode version) (Red book)

This is a practical guide to the design of structural steel elements for buildings. The guidance is in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005 and where appropriate worked examples are presented.

Joints in Steel Construction – Simple Connections (Eurocode version)

This publication provides design guidance for structural steelwork connections for use in buildings design in accordance with the recommendations given in BS EN 1993-1-1 and BS EN 1993-1-8 and their National Annexes.

Design of medium-rise buildings

This is a Eurocode update of the existing publication on the design of medium rise buildings.

Combined Torsion and Bending

This is a Eurocode update of the existing publication on torsion and bending

Eurocode Load Combinations for Steel Structures

This publication presents practical guidance on combinations of actions (load combinations) for two principal types of steel structure – multi-storey buildings and industrial buildings.

These design guides will be launched at a Eurocode seminar to be held in November 2009.

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