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BCSA Council gather for October meeting

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Back Row: Derek Tordoff, Director General; Donal McCormack, Vice President; Ian Hoppe, Deputy President; Alan Todd, Director, Market Development; Paul Morrison, Chairman Commercial & Contracts Committee; Marion Rich, Director of Legal and Contractual Affairs; David Moore, Director of Engineering; Richard Barrett, Vice President; Martin Manning, Chairman SCI; Mark Denham, Chairman Process & Technical Committee Front row: Ivor Roberts, President; Sarah McCann-Bartlett, Director General Designate; Jack Sanderson, Immediate Past President; Gillian Mitchell, Deputy Director General; Tony Power, Chairman Health & Safety Committee; Pete Walker, Health, Safety & Training Manager; Simon Bingham, Chairman National Steelwork Contractors Group; George Crowther, haysmacintyre, Auditors

A new web-based steel construction information system based on the Wikipedia online encyclopedia is being developed for launch in 2012, the BCSA Council heard at its October meeting.

The new information system, being developed in partnership by the BCSA, Tata Steel and the Steel Construction Institute (SCI), will act as a portal to the full range of design guidance and other information provided by the steel construction sector and will include Continuing Professional Development content. Links will be provided to existing content from the current BCSA, Tata Steel and SCI websites.

President Ivor Roberts said: “My first Council meeting as President was one of firsts and lasts – I was pleased to be able to welcome BCSA’s Director General Designate Sarah McCann-Bartlett to her first Council meeting and Council paid tribute to Derek Tordoff at his last meeting.”

BCSA’s Committees have been extremely busy over the last four months, with the Process & Technical Committee continuing to help the industry prepare for CE Marking.  The Committee has also provided detailed technical information on the Eurocodes while working with Government to ensure that it is clear to industry that BS5950 remains an acceptable way of complying with the Building Regulations.

The Commercial & Contracts Committee has provided advice and model documents on the Construction Act amendments to members, while the Health & Safety Committee has been working closely with the HSE to maintain constructional steelwork’s excellent safety record.


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