AD 291: Joints in Steel Construction: Simple Connections (P212) – Supplementary capacity tables for flexible end plates
This advisory desk note (AD291) is the third in a series relating to SCI publication P212.
It has been suggested by some users of SCI publication P212 (2002) that the information given in Tables H.20 and H.21 (pages 387 to 396) could be improved in order to provide further assistance to the designer. The maximum notch length for double notched flexible end plate connections is generally given as zero. A set of supplementary tables has now been produced.
The supplementary tables (pages 387-S to 396-S) give the double notch shear capacity with the corresponding critical design check, based on a standard double notch length, hence eliminating all the zero values in the current tables.
The supplementary tables are available on as part of this advisory desk note.