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Bridge to future development
A single-span steel bridge forms a central element of an important junction improvement scheme in north Kent. FACT FILEA249 and Grovehurst Road Interchange …
BCSA members help to create Lancaster bomber memorial
British Constructional Steelwork Association members have donated funds and fabricated steelwork towards the construction of an iconic art installation. To be …
Steel forms City’s sustainable tower
An evolving design and high sustainability credentials have both been key ingredients for 8 Bishopsgate, the City of London’s latest landmark high-rise …
Trusses provide towering support
The centrepiece of a central London mixed-use development is two residential towers supported on a series of 15 steel trusses. A prestigious mixed-use scheme …
Commendation: Four Pancras Square, London
Featuring a weathering steel exoskeleton, Four Pancras Square is the last of six new commercial buildings within King’s Cross Development Zone B. Situated on …
BCSA issues CE Marking reminder
After receiving reports of some steelwork contractors continuing to operate without CE Marking, the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) has …