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Supply chain relationships critical in rising market says the BCSA

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BCSAlogoNewsAs the construction industry continues to gather pace and demand for sub-contractors increases, relationships between clients, main contractors and their supply chain have become even more critical, according to the British Constructional Steelwork Association’s (BCSA) Director General, Sarah McCann-Bartlett.

“While structural steelwork contractors in the UK have sufficient capacity to meet increased demand from the construction industry, by working more collaboratively clients and main contractors can get better outcomes from the structural steelwork supply chain,” said Ms McCann-Bartlett.

The BCSA urges clients and main contractors to engage with the steelwork contractor early as this allows them to contribute to programme planning and project coordination.

Contractors should also work with the steelwork specialist early in the project to capture its design expertise and knowledge, as well as ensuring that the design team releases information in a form and sequence that coordinates with the steelwork package

Ms McCann-Bartlett said that main contractors should use a BCSA Member company to ensure compliance with CE marking, health & safety, and other regulatory requirements.

“Supply of structural steel in our market is well balanced, and while we are seeing a rise in prices this will continue to be slower than some other construction products where we’re seeing shortages, much longer lead times and price spikes,” she added.

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