SCI on the case for stainless steel
SCI, with sponsorship from Team Stainless, has produced a series of case studies showing a range of structural applications of stainless steel.
The projects include the Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong which opened in 2009. It is a cable stayed structure with a total length of 1,596m and a main span of 1,018m. The most striking features of the bridge are the twin tapered mono towers at each end supporting the 50m wide deck. These tapered towers rise to 295m above sea level.
In the UK, projects include the Thames Gateway Water Treatment Works, the first water desalination plant in Britain, which opened in 2010. It will treat water from the brackish waters of the River Thames, producing up to 140 million litres of clean, fresh water. Within the plant, saline river water passes through lamella clarifiers to remove solid particles. The clarifiers are large, open tanks containing a coarse filter medium that is supported by a grillage of 78 stainless steel I-beams.
Other case studies include: Cala Galdana Bridge in Menorca; Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce; Armada Platform Modules in the North Sea; and Siena Footbridge, Italy.
For further information, please contact:
Nancy Baddoo, Associate Director
Tel: +44 (0)1344 636525