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Quality judging for design awards

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Fourteen projects have been selected for the shortlist for the 2015 Structural Steel Design Awards – the 47th in an unbroken awards series highlighting the best of steel construction.

The Awards recognise the contribution that high quality structural design combined with world leading steel construction expertise can make to the built environment. They are also some of the most extensively judged, with all of the shortlisted projects being visited, which is not the case with all awards. The independent and expert judges are looking for evidence that the highest standards have been achieved and they even have the ability to decide not to make any awards if they don’t feel any of the entries make the grade.

The shortlist this year shows the wide range of buildings and other structures that can take advantage of constructional steel’s benefits, including offsite fabrication, flexibility, future-proofing and high levels of sustainability. All would be worthy award winners, but we will have to wait until the awards ceremony on 1 July to find out which have succeeded.

The wide ranging shortlist includes high quality facilities for what will be some of the leading musicians of the future at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, a major retail development at Bargoed near Cardiff, the First World War galleries at the Imperial War Museum, and Heathrow Airport’s new Terminal 2.

Other structures include a bus station in Stoke-on-Trent, a unique fan shaped opening bridge at Paddington Basin, a swing bridge at Greenwich Reach, and bus station canopies at Tottenham. Cycling stars of the future might now be training at the new Derby Arena.

These projects all provide facilities that will be enjoyed by generations to come.  However, steel’s flexibility and sustainability benefits mean that none of the steel used in these shortlisted structures – or any other steel structures – will be discarded to landfill or downcycled to inferior uses, all will be recycled over and over again.

NSC in print again
A year ago NSC went completely digital as our publishers decided the time was right to see how readers and advertisers would respond to a digital only magazine, one that included video content and links to additional information, and that was easily readable on any mobile device as well as on laptops and desktop computers.

Having trialled digital only for a year, it has been decided to offer the magazine in its traditional paper format once again for those who prefer to read it that way. From the Structural Steel Design Awards special issue, the July/August issue, NSC will be provided in paper as well as the existing digital and website formats ten times a year.

Details of how to register to receive the paper version can be found in a story in this month’s News section and elsewhere in the magazine in the June issue, the final digital-only issue. We will also be writing to all those who used to receive the paper version to explain the change and let them know how to make sure they receive paper copies in future, should they so wish.

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