News in Brief: May 2014
The Steel Construction Institute (SCI) has committed to write a series of twelve steel and composite technical design articles for The Structural Engineer magazine. Dr. Graham Couchman, CEO of the SCI said: “This is a great opportunity to engage with the global engineering community. Steel and composite design are always evolving, and contributing to this series will allow SCI to help practicing structural engineers stay up-to-date.”
Hempel’s Hempadur fast dry 17410 epoxy paint has been used to protect most of the 10,000t of steelwork on the Trinity Square project in Gateshead. Steelwork contractor William Hare is said to have chosen the paint because of its fast drying time of around 1.5 hours.
Tata Steel’s app for steel section properties and member capacities for design to BS5950 and EC3 can be downloaded for free from the Apple App store.
The Building Information Modeling (BIM) software provider Tekla has acquired SVS Innovations’ construction software business and its advanced Field3D mobile technology. The technology works on mobile devices, enabling workers on construction sites to access complete 3D model information for an entire building on smartphones and tablets.
Voortman Steel Machinery has opened the Voortman Experience Center, a new showroom and training facility for customers of its steel processing equipment. Located in Rijssen, The Netherlands, the facility has a 2,500m² showroom with many of the company’s products, office space and an auditorium.