NSC Archives


New and revised codes & standards, Dec 2018 & Jan 2019


BS EN 1992-4:2018
Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Design of fastenings for use in concrete
Supersedes DD CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, DD CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, DD CEN/TS 1992-4-3:2009, DD CEN/TS 1992-4-4:2009 and DD CEN/TS 1992-4-5:2009

BS EN ISO 11124-3:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11124-3:1997

BS EN ISO 11125-1:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Sampling
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11125-1:1997

BS EN ISO 11125-7:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Determination of moisture
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11125-7:1997

BS EN ISO 11126-5:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Nickel slag
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11126-5:1998

BS EN ISO 11126-6:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Iron and steel slags
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11126-6:1998

BS EN ISO 11126-7:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Fused aluminium oxide
Supersedes BS EN ISO 11126-7:2001


PD ISO/TR 22299:2018
Document management. Digital file format recommendations for long-term storage
No current standard is superseded


BS EN 14399-8:2018
High strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. System HV. Hexagon fit bolt and nut assemblies
To be completed. Corrigendum, October 2018

BS EN ISO 20378:2018
Welding consumables. Rods for gas welding of non-alloy and creep-resisting steels. Classification
To be completed. Corrigendum, October 2018


DD CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009
Design of fastenings for use in concrete. General
Superseded by BS EN 1992-4:2018

DD CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009
Design of fastenings for use in concrete. Headed fasteners
Superseded by BS EN 1992-4:2018

DD CEN/TS 1992-4-3:2009
Design of fastenings for use in concrete. Anchor channels
Superseded by BS EN 1992-4:2018

DD CEN/TS 1992-4-4:2009
Design of fastenings for use in concrete. Post-installed fasteners. Mechanical systems
Superseded by BS EN 1992-4:2018

DD CEN/TS 1992-4-5:2009
Design of fastenings for use in concrete. Post-installed fasteners. Chemical systems
Superseded by BS EN 1992-4:2018

BS EN ISO 11124-3:1997
(BS 7079-E3:1994)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit
Also numbered BS 7079-E3:1994. Superseded by BS EN ISO 11124-3:2018

BS EN ISO 11125-1:1997
(BS 7079-E6:1994)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Sampling
Also numbered BS 7079-E6:1994. Superseded by BS EN ISO 11125-1:2018

BS EN ISO 11125-7:1997
(BS 7079-E12:1994)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Determination of moisture
Also numbered BS 7079-E12:1994. Superseded by BS EN SIO 11125-7:2018

BS EN ISO 11126-5:1998
(BS 7079-F5:1994)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Nickel refinery slag
Also numbered BS 7079-F5:1994. Superseded by BS EN ISO 11126-5:2018

BS EN ISO 11126-6:1998
(BS 7079-F6:1994)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Iron furnace slag
Also numbered BS 7079-F6:1994. Superseded by BS EN ISO 11126-6:2018

BS EN ISO 11126-7:2001
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast cleaning abrasives. Specification for fused aluminium oxide
Also numbered BS 7079-F7:1996. Superseded by BS EN ISO 11126-7:2018


ISO 8504-3:2018
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Surface preparation methods. Hand- and power-tool cleaning
Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

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